Sudden Deafness
Sudden Deafness
An unexplained rapid loss of hearing, usually in one ear - it should be considered a medical emergency.
Signs & Symptoms:
happens suddenly - over minutes, hours or days
may be a complete or partial loss of hearing
sometimes only high or low tones are lost
the loss may be constant or fluctuating
may also have:
tinnitus - new humming or ringing
imbalance, giddiness, vertigo
blocking/pressure in the ear not relieved by popping
fullness/numbness on side of head
Some people will experience tinnitus and not realise that they have a hearing loss. Some people will notice that they cannot hear on the phone or cannot tell which direction sounds are coming from.
Act Fast! Early diagnosis and starting treatment ASAP help improve your chances of recovery.
What to do if you suspect a Sudden Deafness?
See your GP or Ear Nurse as soon as possible:
the Ear Nurse will examine your ear to rule out any other causes for your change in hearing
they will perform a screening hearing test, tuning fork test and tympanometry to provide as much as possible information to your doctor to make a full assessment
the doctor will discuss starting a course of steroid medication (only a doctor can do this)
the doctor may refer you to an Ear, Nose & Throat Specialist, who may want to arrange a scan
discuss when to have your next hearing test