Ear Wax
Ear Wax
Ear wax is produced when your ear canal is cleaning itself. The wax protects, lubricates and waterproofs your ear canals. Healthy ear wax is sticky and shiny. It is produced by wax glands in the outer part of your ear canal.
Ear wax consists of oil, dead skin and hair. It coats the ear canal to form a protective layer that prevents infection and stops dust and insects from getting deep inside your ear. Wax is only made in the outer part of your ear canal. It normally dries up and flakes out of your ear. Although the reason is unknown, some people produce more ear wax than others. This may cause a build-up that needs to be removed. If you have too little ear wax, your ears can become dry, itchy, and prone to infection.
Cleaning your ears:
Your ears are self-cleaning, new skin cells are formed on your eardrum, moving dead skin along the canal like a conveyor belt. Wax is formed in the outer part of the canal near the opening, so putting anything into the canal will push the wax back and may even cause injury.
Wipe the outer part of your ear daily with a warm cloth
Lift your chin in the shower to prevent water running into your ears
Get your ears checked if you have any pain, hearing loss, fullness, ringing, vertigo, itching, discharge or bad smell
Put objects like cotton buds into your ears
Use ear candles – they are not safe
Get warm soapy water in your ears – it breaks down the protective layer
Try to clean your ears at home – it may be more than just wax so better to get them checked by a professional