Bullous Myringitis
Bullous Myringitis
Bullous myringitis is a type of ear infection where small, fluid-filled blisters form on the eardrum. The infection is caused by the same viruses or bacteria that lead to other ear infections such as the flu, common cold and strep throat. It can be very painful.
Bullous myringitis doesn’t cause fluid to build up behind the eardrum. If this is noted then you have a middle ear infection and not bullous myringitis. With treatment, bullous myringitis can go away within a few days.
Signs of bullous myringitis:
Severe pain which comes on suddenly and lasts 24 to 48 hours
Hearing loss in the affected ear and usually goes away once the infection clears
Discharge from the ear, sometimes blood stained. This will only happen if one of the blisters breaks.
Full feeling in the ears
Irritability, your young child may seem irritable from the pain
A child too young to vocalize their ear pain might tug or pull at their ear in an attempt to relieve the pain
Who gets Bullous Myringitis:
Bullous myringitis is more common in people who already have an upper respiratory tract infection, such as the flu or cold. This is because these infections can irritate the eustachian tubes, otherwise stopping them from draining fluid properly.
Fluid that contains bacteria or viruses from the respiratory infection can then move into the ear and causes an infection.
Bullous myringitis is more likely to occur in people with a middle ear infection.
Just like with other types of ear infections, children are more likely than adults to get bullous myringitis.
Diagnosing Bullous Myringitis:
The ear nurse will examine your ear through a surgical microscope which will allow her to assess your ear canal and eardrum. This way she can determine whether you have bullous myringitis or a middle ear infection.
Treatment options:
Treatment for bullous myringitis usually includes over-the-counter pain relief and antibiotics.
Antibiotics are usually prescribed because it can be caused by a virus or bacteria, this may be difficult to determine and for this reason antibiotics are usually indicated. Symptoms usually improve within two days.
Bullous myringitis can lead to hearing loss, but this generally disappears after treatment and when the infection is resolved.
In rare cases, if bullous myringitis is not treated effectively, the bacteria or virus that caused it can spread to the bones around the ear. If the spread of infection isn’t treated, it can lead to deafness, meningitis, or sepsis.
Bullous myringitis itself isn’t contagious, but the other infections that can lead to it are.
The best way to prevent bullous myringitis is to take steps to avoid catching colds or other infections. Some of the best ways to avoid these infections are:
Stay away from people with colds or other contagious infections as much as possible.
Wash your hands regularly.
Try not to touch your eyes, nose, and mouth.
Look after yourself with a healthy diet and adequate rest.
Keep surfaces in your home clean, especially if someone in your household has recently had a cold.
Remember this:
It is important to complete your medication as prescribed.
Attend your follow up as advised and remember to seek medical advice sooner if you have any new or worsening symptoms.
Get a hearing test if your hearing is not back to normal after the infection has resolved.
Wash your hands frequently, don’t share eating and drinking utensils, cover your mouth when sneezing, and get a seasonal flu vaccination which can all prevent colds from spreading.
See your doctor immediately if:
Your child is not feeding well
Your child is floppy, sleepy or drowsy
Any new discharge from the ear canal
You experience a stiff neck, dizziness or eyes are sensitive to light
Any redness or swelling on the bone behind the ear
Fever persists after 48—72 hours
Any new or worse symptoms develop