Itchy Ears


What are Itchy Ears?

Itchy ears are a very common problem. This may lead to sticking various objects into your ears to give them a scratch. Any break in the skin can allow bacteria to enter through this protective barrier, potentially causing injury and infection.

The most common causes of itching include the following:

  • Something in the ear canal that is causing irritations, it may be as simple as a bit of healthy earwax, a loose hair or a foreign body

  • A nervous habit

  • It may be the sign of an infection or the beginning of an infection when the ear canal skin becomes dry and flaky

  • Psoriasis or dermatitis which may lead to very dry flaky skin

  • Allergies including skin allergies but also hayfever and a reaction to soap, shampoo, hairspray, hair dye etc.

  • Irritation from hearing aids, ear plugs or ear muffs

What to do if you suffer from itchy ears

  • Don’t poke anything into your ears! It strips away the protective layer skin barrier which can lead to further itching or infection

  • Itch your ear by pressing on the outer part of  the ear and RUB gently

  • Use hypo-allergenic jewelry

  • Use Blu-tack or cotton wool to stop water, soap, and shampoo getting in your ears, reducing your risk of infections

  • Get your ears checked and cleaned – removing dead skin and wax may give you relief and if you have an ear infection the treatment should resolve the itching

  • Let your ears air dry before you insert your hearing aids

  • Avoid irritants like shampoo, soap, conditioner, skin lotion, hair spray etc. from getting into your ears

  • Manage your allergies by taking antihistamines as it is found that people who suffer from itchy eyes and throats due to allergies also gets itchy ears due to the same nerve response that makes other parts of the body itchy due to an allergic reaction

 We are the ear experts
- we do so much more than just wax removal