Foreign Body Removal
Foreign Body Removal
We aim to see you as soon as possible but we are not an acute service, if you have pain or any urgent concerns please see your doctor or visit an urgent care service.
At times foreign bodies make their way into ear canals. Sometimes because they were placed in there by little fingers who don’t know any better; sometimes because we had good intentions of cleaning our ears with cotton buds and sometimes accidentally by things crawling or falling down the ear. Either way, it’s never a pleasant experience for those involved.
For some they will immediately be aware of a foreign object in the ear, but small children may have no idea and it is usually picked up either accidentally when the ears are checked or when it is causing issues with pain or infection.
It is never a good idea to leave a foreign body in the canal for any longer than absolutely necessary. Prompt removal is key to prevent infections and pain. It is important to NEVER attempt removal at home as this may potentially result into pushing the object further down the canal and injury.
For insects tilt the person's head so that the ear with the offending insect is upward. Try to float the insect out by pouring mineral oil, olive oil or baby oil into the ear. The oil should be warm but not hot. The insect should suffocate and may float out in the oil bath, if it does not resurface its best to get it removed by an experienced Ear Nurse.
ACC Approved Provider / WINZ Registered Provider / Veterans Affairs Provider