Middle ear problems are common in children and also some adults. Getting a clear picture of the middle ear can be very challenging for doctors and nurses alike. Tympanometry is performed as a supplementary test to determine normal or abnormal middle ear pressure.
It may be performed by itself or as part of a hearing assessment.
The test is done by placing a soft rubber tip at the entrance of the ear canal. A bit of air is gentle introduced into the ear to produce a reading. While the test is being done you, or your child are required to hold your head still and not talk. It only takes a few seconds to get a reading.
NZ preschools and primary schools are visited regularly by a Vision Hearing Technician. All children at preschool are tested with tympanometry. School entrants are assessed with tympanometry and a hearing test. Parents of those children who fail tympanometry on two consecutive visits are sent a letter asking them to consult with an Ear Nurse or Doctor.
Our Ear Nurses are trained and experienced in dealing with children. As part of the visit you or your child’s ears will always be examined under the microscope, giving a 10 times magnified view compared to what your doctor can see. Ear wax will be removed to allow a clear view of the eardrum.
If an abnormal result is obtained the Ear Nurse will discuss this with you and further follow up will recommended.