Ear Drops
How To Use Ear Drops
Using your ear drops correctly is very important to ensure your infection goes away completely. Infrequent use, not completing the course or over using the treatment may result in ongoing or further infections.
Wash your hands
Warm the drops in your hand for a few minutes. If the drops had to be kept in the fridge remove them about 20 minutes before use so they can reach room temperature. Cold ear drops can cause pain and dizziness.
Shake the bottle well for 10 seconds.
Lie on your side with the affected ear upwards. It is always easier if you have someone to help you put the ear drops in. If you don’t then stand in front of a mirror to make it easier to see what you are doing.
Wipe away any discharge from the entrance of your ear with cotton wool or tissue & throw it away. Make sure to wash your hands again after.
Pull the ear back and upwards to open the canal for adults or back and downwards in children under the age of 3.
Drop the prescribed amount into the canal. Careful not to touch the bottle to any part of the ear to prevent spreading the infection.
Let the drops run down the side of the canal to prevent the drops falling directly onto the eardrum.
Gently push on the tragus (flap at the entrance of your ear canal) 10 times to force the drops into the deep canal. It is very important to make sure the drops reach all the way down to the eardrum.
Lie on your side (or tilt) for 5 minutes then drain the drops out on a tissue for another 5 minutes to allow the entire canal to be coated.
Wipe away excess and repeat with second ear if needed.
Wash your hands after and store the drops correctly.
Not all ear drops are safe to use when you have a hole in your eardrum (perforation), grommet or T-tube. Make sure that who ever prescribes your treatment are well aware if you have any of these.
Some ear drops has to be stored in the fridge, this is important to ensure the medication is viable so follow storage instructions carefully.
Some ear drops may stain your hair and bed linen so be sure to read the instructions carefully.
If you have any concerns or side effects while using ear drops please stop using them and discuss this with a medical professional.
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